Where To Buy Be-Je

BeJé Designs Representatives for Wholesale Costume Jewelry

By State

BeJé Designs now has showrooms in Dallas, Atlanta, Chicago, LA and Japan. Check out their showrooms for the latest styles as well as our Events Page to keep track of upcoming market and travel dates.


Julie Hall

2050 Stemmons Freeway #15232
Dallas, Texas 75207
T 214-630-1989
(1 800 642-1989)
F 214-951-8220
E juliehallinc@sbcglobal.net


Tim Philbin Accessories

AmericasMart Atlanta
Building #3, 8E112B
250 Spring Street
Atlanta, GA 30303
T 404-688-1909
F 404-688-1999
E timphilbin@timphilbin.com


Corina Collections

127 E 9th St. #702

Los Angeles, CA 90015

P 213-553-9290

E Showroom@corinacollections.com